Hey heroes!
Choc here!!

Some of you might already know that Space Heroes Universe is on VKB!
And they need YOU guys to help with the SHU forums!
So click HERE to go to Virtual Kids Base, or click the link below.
And make sure to tell your friends about Virtual Kids Base, because it's pretty neat :D
I'll leave this pic on the sidebar and the homepage for you guys.
Thanks for helping VKB!

4/1/2013 10:25:34 am

Chocolate, can you add my site on the blog roll? type LeizCheatsSHU
the link is http://leizcheatsshu.weebly.com

~One of your blog authors,Leiz

4/5/2013 04:17:04 pm

i already knew about VKB before SHU was on it :D

4/6/2013 05:27:19 pm

Hey Choc can you add my site but is on facebook Type Nadine's Shu Fansite the link is: www.facebook.com/pages/Little-Space-Heroes/103934849760989


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