Hey heroes!
Choc here!!

I took a peek at the results of the poll, and there are 12 votes for YEAH! THAT WOULD BE GREAT! and 1 vote for I'M NOT SURE.
So, I've set up my Graphics Shop, and you can find it on the bar at the top!
I'll be making Space Heroes Universe! and Fantage graphics, such as, icons, backgrounds, banners etc..
So if you want me, Lillia, Super Ann and Fizzablista to make you some graphics, go read the post on the Graphics Shop page and comment what you want!
Comment, and tell me what you think!


1/4/2013 03:10:21 pm

Hi, this is a good post, indeed a great job. You must have done good research for the work, i appreciate your efforts. Looking for more updates from your side. Thanks


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